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[7]Qin, Zhiying, Yang, Jichen, Banerjee, Soumitro, Jiang, Guirong, Border-collision bifurcations in a generalized piecewise linear-power map[J], Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-B. 16 (2),547-567. 2011 (SCI).
[8]Guirong Jiang, Qigui Yang, Complex dynamics of a Hamiltonian system under Impulsive control[J], International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 22(3), 1250067, 2012 (SCI).
[9]Lijie Hao, Guirong Jiang, Suyu Liu, Lin Ling, Global dynamics of an SIRS epidemic model with saturation incidence[J]. BioSystems,114:56-63. 2013 (SCI).
[10]Guirong Jiang, Suyu Liu, Lin Ling, Periodic solutions of a SIS epidemic model with fixed-time birth pulses and state feedback pulse treatments[J]. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 91(5):844-856,2014 (SCI).
[11] Lin. Ling, Guirong Jiang. The dynamics of an SIS epidemic model with fixed-time birth pulses and state feedback pulse treatments, Appl. Math. Modell. 2015.39(18):5579-5591 (SCI)